Report CNC Intelligence Impostor Scams

To address the rising number of impostors and scam attempts, CNC Intelligence Inc. has launched this resource page to keep our clients and community informed and protected. We will regularly update this page with the latest information on fake websites, social media profiles, and other fraudulent activities identified and reported by CNC Intelligence.

To report a CNC Intelligence impostor scam, comment below or contact us at [email protected].

Report CNC Intelligence Impostor Scams

CNC Intelligence Impostor Websites

CNC Intelligence has identified several clone and impostor websites that mimic our official site and deceive users. These fraudulent websites exploit our brand’s reputation, often soliciting personal information or payments from unsuspecting visitors.

Identified Fake Websites:

  • – Registered on August 19, 2024, through Namesilo.

Steps Taken:

  • We issued DMCA requests to remove these fraudulent websites and reported them to domain registrars and hosting services.

We urge our community to remain vigilant and cautious. Always verify the legitimacy of websites claiming to represent CNC Intelligence. Ensure the URL matches our official website,, and look for secure connections (https://) to protect your information.

How to Verify:

  • Check the URL to ensure it matches our official website.
  • Look for signs of legitimacy, such as secure connections and accurate company information.
  • Contact us directly through our verified contact information if you are unsure about the authenticity of a website.

If you encounter suspicious websites, report them to us immediately.

Email Addresses Masquerading as CNC Intelligence Emails

CNC Intelligence has identified fraudulent email addresses masquerading as our company’s official communication channels. These impostors use deceptive tactics to trick recipients into believing they communicate with legitimate CNC Intelligence representatives:

Social Media Impostors


CNC Intelligence has recently identified a surge in fake profiles and ads on Facebook that are impersonating our company. These impostors actively deceive users by creating fraudulent profiles and running misleading ads.

Identified Fake Profiles:


These profiles are meant to solicit personal information or payments from unsuspecting users.

Steps Taken:

  • Using their reporting tools, we reported the profiles to Facebook to remove the impostor profiles and ads.

Visit our official Facebook page:

We urge our community to stay vigilant. Always verify the legitimacy of profiles and ads claiming to represent CNC Intelligence. Check the creation date of the Facebook page by heading to the About tab and clicking Page Transparency. The official CNC Intelligence Facebook page was created on September 14, 2020, with a page ID of 105713407949314. Any page created on a different date or with a different page ID is fake.


CNC Intelligence has found multiple scam artists using our name as tags on Instagram to mislead and deceive users. These impostors create fake profiles and posts to exploit our brand’s reputation, soliciting personal information or payments. For example:

  • #cncintelligence

Scammers use these tags to promote fraudulent activities, pretending to be associated with CNC Intelligence. They lure victims with false promises of services, financial recovery, or other offers to exploit their trust.

Moreover, several profiles are impersonating CNC Intelligence. For example:



CNC Intelligence has recently identified several fraudulent LinkedIn profiles and company pages impersonating our organization. These impostors deceive users by creating fake accounts and posting misleading information.

Our team has discovered numerous fraudulent profiles claiming to be CNC Intelligence representatives. These impostors use our name to solicit personal information or payments from unsuspecting professionals. For example:


This is our LinkedIn page:


CNC Intelligence has identified multiple scams on Telegram in which impostors impersonate our customer service to solicit payments and personal information from unsuspecting users. These fraudulent activities exploit Telegram’s relative anonymity to deceive individuals.

Scammers create fake customer service accounts on Telegram, contacting users and pretending to represent CNC Intelligence. They often request payments or sensitive information under the guise of providing support or recovery services.

CNC Intelligence Impostors on Telegram include:

  • @cncintell
  • @cncintelligenc
  • @CNCinteli
  • @cncintelligenceofficial


CNC Intelligence has recently encountered impostors on Twitter who are impersonating our employees and posting fraudulent comments under our official tweets. These malicious accounts aim to discredit our services and mislead the public. For example, an impostor account pretending to be our employee Linda was identified posting defamatory comments under our tweets.

Steps Taken:

  • We promptly reported and blocked the fraudulent account.
  • We continue to monitor our Twitter presence for any additional impostor activity.

Always check the authenticity of Twitter accounts interacting with our posts by verifying their profile details and creation date. The official CNC Intelligence Twitter account can be found at @cncintel.

If you encounter any suspicious activity on Twitter related to our company, please report it to us immediately.

Telephone Scams

CNC Intelligence has identified several instances where scammers use phone numbers to impersonate our representatives. These impostors contact individuals pretending to be from CNC Intelligence to solicit personal information or payments.

Identified Scam Numbers:

  • +44 7529 694083 (UK)
  • +44 7301 812369 (UK)
  • +1 (657) 948-1401 (California, USA)
  • +1 (437) 887-2576 (Canada)
  • +1 (202) 922-2278 (Washington, DC, USA)
  • +1 (410) 306-1173 (Maryland, USA)
  • +1 (706) 615-5429 (Georgia, USA)
  • +45 78 75 54 21 (Denmark)

We urge our community to stay vigilant and cautious when receiving phone calls claiming to be from CNC Intelligence. Always verify the caller’s legitimacy before providing personal information or making payments.

How to Verify:

  • Verify the phone number through our official website and contact details.
  • Ask for additional verification if you receive a suspicious call.
  • Contact us through our official channels to confirm the call’s legitimacy.

If you receive suspicious phone calls, report them immediately to your telecom provider and to us.

Steps to Protect Yourself

At CNC Intelligence, your security is our top priority. To help you stay protected from impostors and scams, here are essential steps you can take:

Tips for Verification:

  • Email Verification: Check the sender’s email address. Official CNC Intelligence emails end with Be wary of emails from public domains like Gmail or Yahoo.
  • Website Verification: Ensure the URL matches our official site,, and uses a secure connection (https://). Be cautious of similar-looking URLs or minor spelling variations. Please head to our About Us menu to verify our site and click Verify Site. Follow the instructions on the screen to confirm that you’re on CNC Intelligence’s authentic website.
  • Social Media Verification: Access our social media profiles directly through our official website if in doubt.
  • Phone Verification: Verify phone numbers on our official website. If you receive a suspicious call, request additional verification and contact us through our official channels.

Reporting Suspicious Activity:

  • Report Fake Profiles and Websites: Use the reporting tools available on social media platforms and websites to report suspicious profiles, pages, or URLs.
  • Contact CNC Intelligence Directly: If you encounter any suspicious activity or communication claiming to be from CNC Intelligence, report it to us immediately. Please email us at [email protected] to report CNC Intelligence impostor scams. Your proactive reporting enables us to take swift action against impostors.

Stay Informed:

  • Security Advisories: Regularly check our website and social media for the latest security updates on impostor activity.
  • Educational Resources: Utilize our educational resources to learn more about identifying and avoiding scams.

Recent Updates and Alerts

We are committed to informing you about the latest impostor activity and scam developments at CNC Intelligence. This section regularly updates new information to help you stay vigilant and protected.

Latest Impostor Alerts:

  • September 10, 2024: CNC Intelligence has received reports of impostors claiming to represent our company and offering fraudulent recovery services through Victims are being asked to deposit funds into platforms like Skrill, with promises of retrieving their lost funds.
  • September 3, 2024: CNC Intelligence has been mentioned in a Trustpilot review. A scam victim reported being contacted by Noah Herman, who falsely claimed to be from “Refund,” a supposed daughter company of CNC Intelligence in the US. The victim was misled into believing that this fraudulent entity could assist in recovering lost funds. CNC Intelligence confirms that it has no affiliation with “Refund” or Noah Herman and urges the public to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of such claims.
  • September 3, 2024: CNC Intelligence has been alerted to a new scam involving an individual falsely claiming to be from our company. Using the name “Tom Kosters,” the scammer sent an email from [email protected], falsely claiming to be conducting a verification process for a victim’s cryptocurrency account. The email contained suspicious links, including one to “,” and referenced future transactions in December 2024, indicating clear fraudulent intent. The phone number used is +45 78 75 54 21.
  • September 3, 2024: CNC Intelligence has received a report concerning a fraudulent individual falsely claiming to be our employee. The scammer, using the name Tyler J. Williams, MSci (Hons) Cyber Security | Recovery and Crypto Finance, is attempting to deceive victims by posing as a representative of CNC Intelligence. The impostor’s email address is [email protected], and his mobile is +44 7301 812369.
  • September 2, 2024: CNC Intelligence has received a report about a new scam where impostors falsely claim to represent our company. The scam began when the victim’s father invested in Bitcoin through a fraudulent platform called When the victim attempted to withdraw his earnings, communication ceased, and his funds were inaccessible. The victim was later contacted via email and WhatsApp by individuals pretending to be from CNC Intelligence. These scammers claimed to be assigned by the government to assist with recovering the lost funds, using a mix of U.S. and U.K. phone numbers to add credibility to their deception. Additionally, a fraudulent email from [email protected] was used in the scam, further complicating the situation. Please note that CNC Intelligence would never claim to be assigned by a government entity such as the FCA, and we strongly advise against trusting unsolicited communications from unfamiliar sources.
  • August 29, 2024: CNC Intelligence has identified a new scam email from [email protected], falsely claiming to be from our Registration Officer, “Mary Austin.” The email attempts to lure recipients by referencing a fraudulent asset recovery service related to the platform
  • August 28, 2024: CNC Intelligence received a report from an individual who was contacted by someone claiming to be “Emily Anderson,” a supposed employee of CNC Intelligence. The individual expressed concerns about the legitimacy of the interaction, noting unprofessional behavior and unfamiliar accents. We can confirm that “Emily Anderson” is not associated with CNC Intelligence. We advise against providing any personal information or payments to these individuals.
  • August 28, 2024: CNC Intelligence received a report from an individual contacted by a fraudulent email address, [email protected], promising to recover lost cryptocurrency. The victim was unsure of the email’s legitimacy and contacted us for verification. The email address is not associated with CNC Intelligence, and we have identified it as part of an impostor scam.
  • August 27, 2024: CNC Intelligence identified a Twitter account impersonating one of our employees. The account was posting fraudulent comments under our official tweets to discredit our services. We have reported and blocked the account.
  • August 25, 2024: CNC Intelligence has identified a new wave of scams involving impostors posing as representatives from our company. A recent incident on August 23, 2024, involved a fraudulent email from “Mary Austin” ([email protected]) and phone numbers (+1 657-948-1401 & +1 437-887-2576) falsely claiming to be associated with CNC Intelligence. The scammers attempted to deceive the recipient by offering assistance with asset recovery from a fake trading platform,
  • August 16, 2024: We received a complaint regarding an email address: [email protected]. Scammers used this fraudulent address to impersonate our company, CNC Intelligence. These scammers have created a fake identity under the name “Doron Schreiber,” claiming to be a financial lawyer associated with our Washington, D.C. office. They use this address to send convincing emails, often providing fake contact details and links to clone websites that mimic our official site. Their goal is to deceive victims into believing they are interacting with legitimate representatives from CNC Intelligence, ultimately tricking them into divulging personal information or making payments. We strongly advise against responding to any communication from this email address and urge anyone who receives such messages to report them immediately to our official channels.
  • July 31, 2024: A significant surge in impostors on social media and fake websites was identified. Multiple cases were reported in Canada, Sweden, and Denmark.
  • June 15, 2024: New fake profiles and pages were discovered on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. We took steps to report and remove these fraudulent accounts.
  • May 20, 2024: Identify Telegram scams in which impostors impersonate CNC Intelligence customer service. Report and block fraudulent accounts immediately.

To report a CNC Intelligence impostor scam, comment below or contact us at [email protected].


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