Free Legal Aid and Law Enforcement Assistance for Scam Victims

If you have fallen victim to a cryptocurrency scam, it is crucial to take immediate action to increase the chances of recovering your assets and bringing the perpetrators to justice.

Start by gathering all relevant documentation, such as transaction records, emails, and correspondence with the scammer. Ensure you stick to the facts and present the scammer’s statements accurately.

Next, report the scam to your local law enforcement agency, as they often refer cases to specialized task forces. Simultaneously, file a complaint with federal agencies like the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to ensure your case receives the necessary attention and resources.

Inform the cryptocurrency exchanges involved in the transaction and notify your financial institutions if your bank or credit card was affected.

Finally, seek legal advice from professionals experienced in cryptocurrency fraud to explore further actions. Remember, prompt reporting and comprehensive documentation are key to navigating the complex process of recovering from a cryptocurrency scam.

The following sections provide detailed guidance on proceeding with each step and the resources available to support you.

Free Legal Aid and Law Enforcement Assistance for Scam Victims

Law Enforcement Task Forces Specializing in Cryptocurrency

State and Local Task Forces

State and local law enforcement agencies are crucial in addressing cryptocurrency-related crimes. They often refer complex cases to specialized task forces, such as the REACT Task Force, which accepts cases from participating law enforcement agencies and receives referrals from state and federal law enforcement agencies. This multi-level reporting is essential to ensure your case is thoroughly investigated and gets the necessary expertise.

REACT Task Force, a partnership of local, state, and federal agencies formed to combat high-technology crime, conducts multi-jurisdictional investigations to recover stolen technology, minimize identity theft, and hold offenders accountable. They offer expertise in areas like network intrusion, money laundering, and intellectual property theft.

Many states have specialized cybercrime units focusing on digital fraud and cryptocurrency scams. These units collaborate closely with federal and international partners to investigate and prosecute offenders.

Local task forces, such as the REACT Task Force, provide immediate assistance to victims within their jurisdictions. They offer technical support for forensic searches, provide expert testimony, and maintain strong relationships with community groups and businesses to combat high-technology crimes effectively.

For more information or assistance, you can contact the REACT Task Force:

Federal Agencies

Federal agencies play a critical role in combating cryptocurrency-related crimes and assisting victims. Here are the key agencies involved:

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): The FBI’s Cyber Crime Unit investigates complex cyber fraud cases, including cryptocurrency scams. They provide extensive resources and expertise to help victims recover assets and bring perpetrators to justice.

Homeland Security Investigations (HSI): HSI dedicates significant resources to investigating and dismantling criminal organizations involved in cryptocurrency fraud. It also offers specialized expertise and resources to support victims.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): The SEC regulates securities markets and protects investors from fraudulent activities involving cryptocurrency. It also investigates and prosecutes cases of securities fraud.

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC): The CFTC regulates the trading of commodity futures and options, including certain cryptocurrency transactions. Its goal is to protect market participants from fraud and manipulation.

These federal agencies provide the necessary resources and expertise to assist victims in recovering their assets and pursuing justice against cryptocurrency scammers. Reporting the scam first to local law enforcement enables them to refer your case to specialized task forces like REACT, which are equipped to handle complex, multi-jurisdictional investigations.

CNC Intelligence also offers pro bono assistance to law enforcement agencies to support their efforts in tackling cryptocurrency-related crimes.

International Agencies

International collaboration is essential in combating global cryptocurrency crimes.

Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) coordinates cross-border investigations and supports EU member states in tackling cybercrime.

INTERPOL’s Cybercrime Directorate facilitates international cooperation, allowing law enforcement agencies worldwide to share intelligence and resources. To involve INTERPOL, the case must first be reported to a law enforcement agency in the victim’s or suspect’s jurisdiction, which can then refer the case through official channels.

How to Report a Cryptocurrency Scam

Reporting a cryptocurrency scam is crucial for seeking justice and potentially recovering lost assets. File a report with your local law enforcement and state and federal agencies like the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) as soon as possible. Follow these steps to ensure your report is effective:

  1. Gather Evidence: Collect all relevant documentation, including transaction records, emails, and any correspondence with the scammer. Stick to the facts, making sure not to present anything the scammer told you as facts but as statements the scammer made. For example, say, ‘I met someone on a dating site who encouraged me to invest in cryptocurrency’ instead of ‘I invested in cryptocurrency with my girlfriend I met online.’
  2. Contact Authorities:  First, report the scam to local law enforcement, as they often refer cases to specialized task forces like the REACT Task Force. Then, file a complaint with federal agencies like the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Reporting at both local and federal levels ensures your case gets the necessary attention and resources.
  3. Report to Cryptocurrency Exchanges: Inform the exchange platforms involved in the transaction about the scam.
  4. Notify Financial Institutions: If your bank or credit card was involved, report the fraud to your financial institution.
  5. Seek Legal Advice: Consult with a legal professional experienced in cryptocurrency fraud to explore further actions.

What Information to Gather

When reporting a cryptocurrency scam, having detailed information will strengthen your case:

  • Transaction Details: Record all transactions, including dates, amounts, and wallet addresses.
  • Scammer Information: Any known details about the scammer, such as names, email addresses, and phone numbers.
  • Correspondence: Copies of all communications with the scammer, including emails, messages, and screenshots.
  • Financial Impact: Documentation of the monetary loss incurred due to the scam.
  • Supporting Documents: Any additional evidence, such as contracts or promotional materials used by the scammer.


Knowing you are not alone is essential if you have fallen victim to a cryptocurrency scam. Help is available, and taking action can lead to recovery and justice.

Seek out the mental health resources, victim advocacy organizations, and law enforcement task forces that support individuals like you.

By reaching out for support and utilizing the tools and information provided, you can begin to heal and reclaim control of your financial and emotional well-being. Remember, CNC Intelligence offers pro bono assistance to law enforcement agencies, ensuring you have the best support in your fight against cryptocurrency fraud.

For comprehensive mental health support tailored to scam victims, please visit our Mental Health Support for Scam Victims page, which provides valuable emotional support and practical resources to help you navigate your journey towards recovery and justice.