Asset Search

Knowing the full extent of a person’s or entity’s assets is critical in any legal or financial investigation. An Asset Search is an essential tool for uncovering hidden wealth, identifying undisclosed resources, and helping to achieve justice. Whether you’re involved in a legal dispute, financial recovery, or due diligence, understanding the subject’s financial standing can make all the difference.

Our experienced investigators employ cutting-edge technology and a global network of resources to uncover the full spectrum of assets, from bank accounts and real estate to cryptocurrencies and offshore holdings. With precision and discretion, we reveal the financial truth that others may be trying to conceal.

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Asset Search

Asset Search is a critical process for identifying and uncovering the complete financial portfolio of individuals, entities, or corporations. This service is essential in legal disputes, financial recoveries, and due diligence, providing a comprehensive understanding of a subject’s wealth, from visible assets to those carefully hidden.

What Assets Can Be Traced?

Comprehensive investigations can uncover various assets, including financial records, property holdings, and digital trails. Even when assets are deliberately hidden or spread across multiple jurisdictions, our expertise uncovers their full extent, providing you with the critical information needed for your case.

The Forensic Approach

Our forensic approach combines state-of-the-art technology with deep financial investigation techniques to track down assets, whether physical properties, bank accounts, or digital currencies. We provide actionable intelligence to support legal and financial actions.

Not All Assets Are Easily Found

While many assets are traceable, some may be hidden through complex financial structures or offshore accounts. Our advanced investigative skills enable us to uncover even the most obscure assets, providing a thorough and complete asset search.

What is an Asset Search?

An Asset Search, also known as an asset investigation, is a comprehensive process of uncovering and verifying assets owned by individuals, entities, or corporations. This involves searching public and private records to identify assets such as bank accounts, real estate, vehicles, intellectual property, and more. The goal is to provide a complete picture of a subject’s financial standing, particularly in legal disputes, debt recovery, due diligence, and other financial matters.

Who can benefit from an Asset Search?

Asset Searches are beneficial for a wide range of individuals and organizations, including:

  • Attorneys and legal professionals involved in litigation or divorce cases
  • Collection agencies seeking to recover debts
  • Businesses conducting due diligence before partnerships or investments
  • Private investigators handling complex financial cases
  • Government agencies and law enforcement working on fraud or financial crimes

How do we conduct an Asset Search?

Our asset search process uses advanced forensic techniques and state-of-the-art technology to dig deep into public and private databases. This includes:

  • Financial investigations into bank accounts, investments, real estate, and more
  • Cyber checks to uncover digital assets and online financial activities
  • Global searches to identify assets hidden in offshore accounts or foreign properties
  • Physical surveillance when necessary to gather evidence of lifestyle and hidden wealth

This thorough approach guarantees that every asset is detected, no matter how well hidden.

What kind of assets can be uncovered?

An Asset Search can reveal a wide variety of assets, including:

  • Bank, brokerage, and retirement accounts
  • Real estate properties, both residential and commercial
  • Vehicles, including cars, boats, and aircraft
  • Business assets, partnerships, and intellectual property
  • Trust funds, safe deposit boxes, and hidden cash reserves
  • Cryptocurrencies and other digital assets
  • Judgments, liens, and other financial obligations

Our comprehensive approach provides a complete picture of an individual’s or entity’s financial situation.

How long does an Asset Search take?

The duration of an Asset Search can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the number of assets being investigated. A basic asset search can typically be completed within 14 days, but more intricate investigations may require additional time to achieve thoroughness.

Can an Asset Search help with legal proceedings?

Yes, the findings from an Asset Search can be crucial in legal proceedings, such as divorce settlements, debt recovery, and fraud investigations. The uncovered information can be used in court to help achieve justice and account for all assets.

Is the Asset Search process confidential?

Absolutely. We prioritize client privacy and confidentiality in every step of the Asset Search process. All information gathered is securely handled and stored, keeping your details protected throughout the investigation.

What makes our Asset Search service different?

With years of experience and a global network of experts, our Asset Search service stands out for its thoroughness, accuracy, and ability to uncover even the most hidden assets. We use a combination of digital and physical investigative techniques, along with access to exclusive global databases, to deliver results that other services may miss. Whether you’re dealing with complex financial disputes or need to verify someone’s financial standing, our service provides the insight you need to make informed decisions.

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Asset Search

In today’s complex financial landscape, assets can be deliberately concealed or dispersed to avoid detection. Understanding the complete financial picture is essential whether you’re involved in litigation, financial recovery, or due diligence. An Asset Search provides the insight you need to make informed decisions and helps uncover assets that might otherwise remain hidden.

If you need to uncover hidden assets or verify an individual or entity’s financial standing, schedule a complimentary consultation to learn how our Asset Search services can assist you.


Contact Us

US: (202) 770-4445

Denmark: +45 78 72 34 77

Australia: 02 7908 5361

Israel: +972 3 310 6977

International: +1 202 770-4445



2000 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Washington, DC

Monday-Friday: 8am – 5pm

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